Black Ops 6 Zombies Liberty Lanes with Mangler in background

All Liberty Falls Intel Locations

Find all the notes to learn how this town fell.

While Liberty Falls has been pushed as the more “casual” map out of the two launch offerings in Black Ops 6 Zombies, that doesn’t mean this map is packed with important story information and implications for the future of the Dark Aether Saga. While dialogue and the Main Quest provide some answers (and even more questions), there is also the Intel that players want to make sure they get. These collectibles provide lore on what happened before, during, and after the outbreak in this small town and will be necessary reading to anyone who is already a fan of the story or new fans who want to jump in now. Luckily, I can show you where to find each and every piece of Intel in the overrun town. This guide will show players all the Liberty Falls Intel locations in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

All Liberty Falls Intel Locations in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Liberty Falls has 18 pieces of collectible Intel, divided into 3 categories: Audio Logs, Documents, and Artifacts. You can track these items in the “Zombies Intel” section of the Barracks tab of the lobby menu. Each piece of Intel comes with an in-game hint that can be found in the Zombies Intel menu. Some pieces of Intel are only found as part of the Liberty Falls Main Quest Easter Egg on the map and it will be noted what step you need to be on to get the Intel to appear.

Audio Logs

There are a total of 9 Audio Logs in Liberty Falls. These can be in the form of small tape recorders or radios hidden all across the map. When you interact with them, they will play a recording that you can stay and listen to. You can replay the audio in Zombies Intel. Here is the breakdown of where to find all 9 Audio Log Intel in Liberty Falls.

Quantum Mechanical Failure

Hint: Personal Issues

Go to Olly’s Comics at the end of Riverside in the northeast corner of the map. Go through the door that leads from Riverside and look at the storefront window to find the radio with this Audio Log.

Conspiracy Theorist

Hint: Street Smarts

Go to Washington Avenue to the west of the Savings & Loans bank. This radio is found on the small cafe table to the left of the Speed Cola Perk Machine.

One Lit Match

Hint: During Main Quest

To get this Audio Log to spawn, you will first need to interact with the machine found in the Dark Aether church to start the Main Quest. Once that is done, go to the Groundskeeper’s Yard and look for the little plot of grass at the center of this area. The radio can be found on a barrel.

The House that Josiah Built

Hint: Grave Matters

Go to the highest ground in the Cemetery to the right of the church. In the corner to the right of the Level 3 Armor Plate Wall Buy, you will find this radio sitting on the wall.

The Scientist and The Moonshiner

Hint: During Main Quest

While the hint says this Intel is found during the Main Quest, you don’t need to do anything like mentioned above in the “One Lit Match.” This Intel is found in the room at the Motor Lodge motel where you can build the Jet Gun, which is required for the Quest. Go up the stairs and across the balcony until you reach a door where a horde of Zombies come spilling out. Once they are all defeated, go through the door that is now open to find this Audio Log on a cabinet at the back of the room.

Limited Run

Hint: Laser Eyes

To get this radio to spawn, you will need to complete the Aetherella Easter Egg. That Easter Egg will be covered further in the Artifacts section but for this Intel, go to Olly’s Comics and look to the left of the door that leads out to the Backlot Parking alley. The radio will be on the counter.

Steel Mountain Rescue

Hint: Catch the Bus

Go outside Fuller’s Liberty Lanes bowling alley and look for the bus at the end of the road. Go behind the bus and look at the barriers blocking a way out of town. This radio can be found in the corner on top of a cement block.

Bear Witness

Hint: Pew Pew

Go into the front entrance of the Dark Aether church and immediately turn left. This Audio Log is sitting in the pew.

Money Talks

Hint: Bank On It

This Audio Log can be found in the Vault of Savings & Loans. Gameranx has a full guide on how to open this Vault here, but here is a quick rundown. You will need to find 3 notes around the map with parts of the code that opens the Vault. These numbers change every game so you will need to find these notes every time you want to open the Vault. Here is where to find them:

  • At the end of the counter in Savings & Loans.
  • In the counter of Olly’s Comics.
  • Under some drinks on the counter of Fuller’s Liberty lanes.

Once you have all 3 numbers, enter them into the Vault to open it. Look to the left to find this Audio Log in the corner.


There are 4 Documents on Liberty Falls. These pieces of Intel are small pieces of paper. Unlike Audio Logs, Document Intel can’t be read in-game. You can read each Document in full by going to Zombies Intel. Here is the breakdown of where to find all 4 Document Intel in Liberty Falls.

We Only Take Cash

Hint: Truncated

This Document is a reward for completing one of the map’s smaller secrets, the Mr. Peeks Car Easter Eggs. You can check out Gameranx’s full guide on how to do this Easter Egg here. You can find 3 black and yellow cars around Liberty Falls. One of them has a blue rabbit named Mr. Peeks sitting in the back. Shoot the trunk of the car with Mr. Peeks inside with a Mangler Cannon to get a reward, including this Document.

Politics, Politics

Hint: Direct Deposit

Just like the Money Talks Audio Log, this Document is located in the Vault. You will need a Loot Key that is dropped randomly by Elite Zombies like Manglers and Abominations. When you get one, take it to the Vault and open a Lock Box. This intel will be inside.

Fine Man

Hint: Late Returns

Go to the back window of the Fast Forward movie store in the alleyway across from the C9 Wall Buy. There are 3 movies on the shelf that can be seen through this window. Shoot all 3 of them and this Document will fly through the window and land at your feet.

Final Issue

Hint: Pull List

Go to Olly’s Comics and start holding the interact button with the white boxes all around the room. One of these boxes will spit out this final Document.


There are 5 Artifacts in Liberty Falls. These are important items that can either be found on the map or represent the completion of an Easter Egg. These items can be things like machines needed for the Main Quest or simply just the map’s unique Wonder Weapon. Here is the breakdown of where to find all 5 Artifacts Intel in Liberty Falls.

Limited Dimensional Gateway Device

Hint: During Main Quest

The LTG device is a machine that is integral to the Main Quest. You will need to find 3 parts and suck them up with the Jet Gun to collect them. Here is where you can find the parts:

  • The top floor window above Buzz’s Cuts on Washington Avenue.
  • Next to Dr. Panos in the Dark Aether church.
  • In the ceiling of Olly’s Comics.

Once you have all the parts, go onto the roof of Savings & Loans (“The Alamo”) and build the device on the workbench. When you pick this item up for the first time, you will get the Artifact.

Aetherella Statue

Hint: Limited Edition

This item is acquired when you complete the Aetherella Easter Egg, a small quest that allows you to play as the Aetherella Trap. This is done by sucking up 8 Aetherella Statues with the Jet Gun. Gameranx has a full guide on how to do the Aetherella Easter Egg, but we will give you the simple version here. This is where you find all Aetherella Statues:

  • On the counter to the left of the door that leads into Olly’s Comics from the alleyway.
  • On a shelf to the left of the Aetherella Trap in Olly’s Comics.
  • On the storefront window of Olly’s Comics.
  • On a shelf above the Quick Revive Perk Machine in Olly’s Comics.
  • On the Motor Lodge “MOTEL” sign that faces the Fast Forward movie store.
  • On the roof of Fast Forward. You can get this statue by going to the Alamo and dropping down to the Yummy Freeze roof. This gives you a clear view of the movie store’s roof and the statue.
  • Under the “L” of “Lanes” of the Fuller’s Liberty Lanes lettering. You can get this statue by standing on top of the bus.
  • On the first window to the right of the Dark Aether church’s front entrance.

Once all the statues are collected, you will turn into the Aetherella Trap for a few minutes. This will unlock the “World Domination” Trophy and will also get you the Aetherella Statue Artifact.

Aetheric Bowling Ball

Hint: 300

This Artifact is unlocked when you get of score of 300 or higher in the Mr. Peeks’ Bowling Easter Egg. We will explain how to do this Easter Egg in our final Artifact but just know that you will need to hold down your fire button and hit multiple Zombies at a time with your bowling ball if you hope to reach this score in the 2-minute time limit. When you succeed, you will unlock the “Deadwood” Trophy, “Strike” Dark Ops Challenge, and this Artifact.

Thustodyne Model 23

Hint: During Main Quest

The Thrustodyne M23, also known as the Jet Gun, is Liberty Falls’ exclusive Wonder Weapon. The first time you get this weapon, you will also get this Artifact. You can try your luck and hope you get it from the Box, S.A.M. Trial rewards, or other Easter Eggs like the previously mentioned Mr. Peeks’ Car or Vending Machine. There is a way for you to guarantee that you get the weapon and that is by building it. Gameranx has a full guide on how to build the Jet Gun, so you can check that out if you need a complete breakdown. You will need to find 3 parts around the map and then bring them to a Workbench in a room at the Motor Lodge motel. Here are all the parts for the Jet Gun:

  • Electric Wires: Use a Mangler Cannon to destroy the shutters to Radio House Electronics Superstore across the street from Olly’s Comics in the Riverside area. Dig through the piles of scrap
  • Handbrake: Kill the Groundskeeper Zombie in the Cemetery to get the Toolshed Key. Open the Shed in the Groundskeeper’s Yard area to find the Handbrake.
  • Water Pressure Gauge: Get the Water Valve from Washington Avenue and put it on the panel in Fuller’s Bowling Alley. Hold the interact button on the valve until a meter is filled and the Gauge pops out.

Bring these parts to the Workbench in the Motor Lodge motel room to build the Jet Gun.

Mr. Peeks’ Misplaced Bowling Shoes

Hint: Size 11, 5

This was the Easter Egg mentioned earlier that will allow you to play Mr. Peeks’ Bowling. You will need to find 5 pairs of Bowling Shoes and shoot them. Once again, Gameranx has a full guide on where to find all of Mr. Peeks’ shoes but we will give you the quick version here. This is where to find the bowling shoes:

  • On the cashier counter of the Pump & Pay Gas Station right under the roof that you spawn on.
  • On a broken shelf in the left part of Frank’s Hardware in the Riverside area. Found across the street from Olly’s Comics.
  • On a casket in Benson’s Burial Services, the white building across the street from Fuller’s Liberty Lanes.
  • Under a chair in the white house at the top of Hill Street.
  • Hanging from a tree outside the map, seen through a gate to the right of the Level 3 Armor Plate Wall Buy.

Once you’ve shot all the shoes, you will be teleported to a neon-soaked version of the Liberty Lanes bowling alley, Zombies partying around you. You can play your game of Zombies Bowling, but your score doesn’t matter here. The first time you do this Easter Egg, you will get this final Artifact.